

2月 7, 2025

坂牛 卓

頭がいいとは自分を変えられる「粘り強い可塑性」だという。そしてそれを実現するためには失敗を許容する社会が必要だともいう。東浩紀の言う「訂正可能性」を持つ社会がここでも求められている。He says that being smart is about having "tenacious plasticity" that allows you to change yourself. And to achieve that, he says, we need a society that tolerates failure. Here too, we need a society that has what Hiroki Azuma calls "correctability."


2月 8, 2025

坂牛 卓

AIエキスパートの今井翔太さんは人間が勝てることは「不完全性」だと言う。そうかも。次の翻訳はまずAIにやらせて、私たちがチェックしていくつもりだ。おそらくまだまだ直すところがあるだろう。しかし数年後にはチェックが誤訳の原因になりかねない。AI expert Imai Shota says that what human being able to win is "imperfection." Maybe so. We'll have the AI ​​do the next translation first and we'll check it out. There's probably still more to fix. However, a check could lead to mistranslation in a few years.

2月 7, 2025

坂牛 卓

壁の解体の形が八潮を彷彿とさせる。八潮の陥没は起こってはいけない事件。検査不足だと思う。The demolition of the wall reminds me of Yashio. I think Yashio's sinking is a lack of tests that should not occur.

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2月 7, 2025

スペインから出す日本の現代建築after 2015の軸をBetween Critical Sociality and Critical Formality(批判的社会性て批判的形式性の中庸)としてはどうかと提案した。 日本建築が2011を契機に社会性や関係性に舵を切ったが、ここ10年そうした動きを批判的に再検討する建築が増えている。それらは注意深く社会性を検証しつつ、形態の新しさを模索している。その慎重な作法を上の言葉で表してみたい。 I proposed that the axis of modern Japanese architecture after 2015 from Spain could be Between Critical Sociality and Critical Formality. Japanese Architecture has shifted to social and relationships in 2011, but over the past decade, more and more architecture has been critically reexamining such movements. They carefully examine sociality while exploring new forms. I would like to express this careful manner in the above words.


2月 7, 2025

坂牛 卓


2月 6, 2025

坂牛 卓

社会は皆が主張できて、それが継続されて、しかも間違ったら訂正可能である。そういう柔軟さが必要だという主張に賛成。それとは別に改めてウィットゲンシュタインの言語ゲームの話が面白かった。人は自分が参加しているゲームがどういうゲームかをわかっていないと言う話。建築は一つのゲームだけど、多くの建築家はそれがどう言うゲームかを知らずに参加していると思う。In society, everyone can make and maintain their opinions, and if they are wrong, they can be corrected. I agree with the statement that such flexibility is necessary. Apart from that, Wittgenstein's story about language games was interesting. It's said that people don't know what kind of game they're participating in. Architecture is a game, but I think many architects participate in it without knowing what it is.

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2月 6, 2025


2月 5, 2025

坂牛 卓

NYジャパンソサエティの芸術監督の塩谷さんは私と配偶者の中学の同級生。ニューヨークから出張で久しぶりに我が家へ。彼女たちは芸大美大に進み、ダンス、書、私は建築。3人の会話は楽しいね。Ms. Shioya, the art director of NY Japan Society, is a classmate of me and my spouse. She went to my home after a long absence on a business trip from New York. They proceeded to Geidai and art school dance, calligraphy I am architecture. The conversation between the three is fun.


2月 5, 2025

坂牛 卓

JIAマガジン2月15日号は先ほど編集後記を送り校了。今月の「建築の集中表現としての住宅」は塩崎大伸、小林佐絵子の自邸である。表紙は彼らがいつも行う出来上がった建物に浮き出る二次元のコンポジションの確認作業の結果である。不思議、不思議、、、I just sent the editorial postscript for the February 15th issue of JIA Magazine and finished it. This month's ``House as an Intensive Expression of Architecture'' is the home of Taishin Shiozaki and Saeko Kobayashi. The cover is the result of the work they always do to confirm the two-dimensional composition that stands out on the finished building. strange, strange...

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2月 5, 2025


2月 5, 2025

坂牛 卓

富士レークホテルは河口湖岸に接する老舗ホテル。湖を一望するロビーラウンジは素敵だ。最上階では元マキシムのシェフが本科的フレンチを提供してきた。コロナ収束後の海外客数の増加はこの辺りは特に顕著。河口湖駅はもとより、ホテル内も日本人は5%たらずか?Fuji Lake Hotel is a long-established hotel adjacent to the shore of Lake Kawaguchi. The lobby lounge overlooking the lake is wonderful. On the top floor, you can taste authentic French cuisine with the help of a former Maxim chef. The increase in the number of overseas customers after the coronavirus subsides is especially noticeable in this area. Not only at Kawaguchiko Station but also in the hotel, only 5% of the people are Japanese.


2月 4, 2025

坂牛 卓

新宿でランチ買って河口湖に出張。珍しく打ち合わせして一泊の予定。大寒波の影響はあるのかな?I bought a lunch in Shinjuku and will go to Lake Kawaguchi. Unusually we will have a meeting for one night. Is there an influence of the big cold wave?


2月 4, 2025

坂牛 卓

年度末になるとやってくる支払い調書。そんなに働いたのか?既に引かれているのに、合計するとさらに税金で消えていく。Payment record that comes at the end of the year. Did I work so much? Even though it has already been drawn, it will disappear with tax even more.

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2月 4, 2025



2月 3, 2025

坂牛 卓

早稲田の授業はいつも出席者20人くらいなのだが、最後の授業に40人近く来て驚いた。レポートを今日までにメールしてと言ったら沢山くるので事務に履修者名簿送ってもらったら60人近くいた。Classes at Waseda usually have around 20 people in attendance, but I was surprised to see nearly 40 people in the last class. When I asked them to email me their reports by today, I received a lot of them, so I asked the office staff to send me a list of students, and there were nearly 60 people.


2月 3, 2025

坂牛 卓


2月 3, 2025

坂牛 卓

兄から母方の家系図を作ったと送ってきた。三輪家のオリジンは青森と思っていたが、高祖父は金沢であった。曽祖父母が青森で一心亭と言う料亭を創業し、祖母がそこで女将をしている姿は知っている。母はそれを継ぐ気がなく、父と東京に駆け落ちして大学に行ったのだった。 My brother sent me a message that he had created a maternal family tree. I thought the Miwa family originated in Aomori, but my great-great-grandfather was in Kanazawa. I know that my great-grandparents founded a restaurant called Isshin-tei in Aomori, and that my grandmother was the proprietress there. My mother had no desire to carry on, so she eloped with my father to Tokyo and went to Seigaku.


2月 4, 2025

坂牛 卓


2月 3, 2025

坂牛 卓

ルネサンスを社会史的に読む本と美術史的に読む本はそれぞれあるが、両方の流れを一度に睨み、されど簡潔に書かれた本はこれが初めてでとても面白かった。おすすめです。十字軍が契機となり、大航海時代がその落日を決定したということがよく分かりました。There are books that read the Renaissance in terms of social history and art history respectively but this is the first book that looks at both streams at once, yet in a concise manner, and I found it very interesting. I recommend it. I could clearly see that the Crusades were the catalyst and the Age of Exploration was the downfall.


2月 3, 2025

坂牛 卓

理科大社会人コース卒計卒論発表会でした。段々レベルが上がるのがよく分かる。Yesterday, there was a graduation design and graduation thesis on the adult course of the Tokyo University of Science Department of Architecture. You can see that the level gradually rises.