12月 14, 2024
12月 13, 2024
今日は今年一番寒いというのでコーデュロイのジャケット出してきた。着て思い出した。これ着てアアルト見に行ったなあと。服には場所の記憶が染み付いているもんだ。Today is the coldest day this year, so I brought out my corduroy jacket. I remembered wearing it. I think I went to see Aalto wearing this. Clothes carry the memory of a place.
12月 13, 2024
Dacoという人気のパン屋さんが近所にできるそうだ。待ち時間が半端ないらしい。Apparently a popular bakery called Daco is opening in the neighborhood. There seems to be way long waiting time to get in the store.
12月 13, 2024
12月 13, 2024
執筆中の『建築を見る技術』にエイドリアン・フォーティーの『メディアとしてのコンクリート』から1枚、『言葉と建築』から2枚写真をお借りしたく編集者がメールしたらすぐに無償でデーターくれるとの返事が来たそうだ。フォーティーは元気だろうか?だいぶ前に塔の家で会って学芸出版の井口夏実さんと六本木の安藤忠雄の建物の中にある六根におでん食べに行っのが懐かしい。When my editor emailed me that I wanted to borrow one photo from Adrian Forty's ``Concrete and culture'' and two from ``Words and Buildings'' for ``The Art of Viewing Architecture,'' which I am currently writing, he replied that he would immediately send me the data free of charge. I wonder how is Forty doing. I remember a long time ago when I met him with Natsumi Iguchi of Gakugei Publishing at Tou-no-ie and went to eat oden at Rokkon, located in Tadao Ando's building in Roppongi.
12月 12, 2024
12月 11, 2024
Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home/ofda-works/www/diversearchitects/wp-content/themes/blankslate/parts/item-blog.php on line 5
12月 10, 2024
カントの三批判書の批判ををドゥルーズは『カントの批判哲学』で書いていると本書では説明している。僕にはドゥルーズはよくわからないが、、、カントは三批判書でそれぞれ人間の悟性、理性、構想力について記している。それは認識と実践と趣味判断である。それを建築という行為の中で翻訳すれば、「見ること、作ること、書くこと」となるだろう。だからそれを最終ゼミのテーマにしてみようと思う。大学の教員になる前に座右の書としたのが『判断力批判』だから一つの思考の区切りとしていいテーマだと思う。The book explains that Deleuze wrote a critique of Kant's three critical books in Kant's Critical Philosophy. I don't know Deleuze very well, but Kant writes about human enlightenment, reason, and conceptual power in each of the three critical books. Kant wrote in each of his three Critics about the human capacity for enlightenment, reason, and conception, which are perception, practice, and judgment of taste. If we translate them into the act of architecture, they would be “seeing, making, and writing. So I will try to make that the theme of my final seminar. I think it would be a good theme as a summary of my thinking, since “Critique of Judgment” was my favorite book before I became a university faculty member.
12月 10, 2024
12月 9, 2024
12月 9, 2024
坂牛研のOBOGの作品を展覧してなか日に宴をすることにした。毎年4月のGW前の1週間。場所は神楽坂のアユミギャラリー。来年は4 月 18 日(金)~4 月 23 日(水)。展示希望者は幹事まで。信大は中尾君。理科大は大村君まで。皆様の素敵な作品を待っています。We decided to have a party one day after exhibiting Sakaushiken's OBOG works. One week before Golden Week in April every year. The location is Ayumi Gallery in Kagurazaka. Next year it will be held from April 18th (Friday) to April 23rd (Wednesday). If you would like to exhibit, please contact the secretary. Shindai is Nakao-kun. TUS is up to Omura-kun. We are looking forward to seeing your wonderful works.
12月 8, 2024
今日の卒計、修士設計に対する、先輩のレビューを聞きながら思った。皆建築を作る理由の説明に終始している。それは大半が外在的問題だ。建築はある時から社会の産物になった。でも建築を作る正しさは内在的問題に起因してなくていいのか。時代を画す建築は一枚の平面図に表れているものなのだ。図面で伝わる濃密な建築に仕上げてほしいと思う。I thought about this while listening to my senior's review of today's graduation plan and master's design. They all end up explaining the reasons for building architecture. It's mostly an external problem. From a certain point on, architecture became a product of society. But does the correctness of creating architecture not have to be rooted in internal problems? Architecture that defines an era is expressed in a single floor plan. I would like to see the finished building create a rich architecture that is conveyed through the drawings.
12月 8, 2024
いつから始たったのか覚えていないが、年末に研究室のOBOGが来て卒計、修士設計を批評する会が行われている。今年も今日15名の先輩が来て優しくアドバイス。昔はクリスマスのころ開催されて厳しい批評が多く、なかなか反映できづらく早めにポジティブなアドバイスをするようになった。I don't remember when it started, but at the end of the year, there is a meeting for alumni of the laboratory to come and critique their graduation plans and master's designs. This year too, 15 seniors came today to give us kind advice. In the past, it was held around Christmas, and the harsh criticism continued, and everyone was unable to recover, so they started giving positive advice early.
12月 8, 2024
12月 7, 2024
神楽坂に集まった信大坂牛研。僕が赴任した時にはM2が二人いた。つまりM1は別の研究室だった学生である。彼らは就職先が決まっていた。二人ともハウスメーカーだったので「悪いけどハウスメーカーの人は取らない」と言ったら一人は就職先を変えたのだが、もう一は変えずにダイワハウスに行った。皆大会社の課長クラスでビックリ。卒業して20年近いから当然か。 Menbers of Sakaushi lab lgathered in Kagurazaka. When I took over, there were two M2s. In other words, M1 was a student from another laboratory. They had their jobs fixed. Both of them were house builders, so when I said, ``I'm sorry, but I don't want to hire a house builder,'' one of them changed jobs, but the other didn't and went to Daiwa House.
12月 7, 2024
大学から送ったダンボール10箱を開けて格闘していると、40年前に書いた卒業論文の初稿が出てきた。 スチュワートさんの容赦ない赤。 4稿目くらいまでは真っ赤になったのを覚えている。彼のような先生は後にも先にも現れないだろう。少なくとも私は失格。 As I was struggling to open the 10 cardboard boxes I had sent from the university, I found the first draft of my graduation thesis. Mr. Stewart's relentless red. I remember being red-hot until about the fourth draft. I don't think there will ever be another teacher like him before or after. At least I'm a failure.
12月 8, 2024
『建築を見る技術』という本を書いている。建築を類推的に見ることで今まで見えなかった建築を見てみようという本。料理、ファッション、人間、自然、アート、音楽、そして最後は広告。3/15日に晶文社から刊行予定。今朝初校が届いた。冬休みの宿題である。I have written a book called ``The Art of Viewing Architecture.'' A book that lets you see architecture that you couldn't see before by looking at architecture analogically. Cooking, fashion, humans, nature, art, music, and finally advertising. Scheduled to be published by Shobunsha on March 15th. The first proof-reading arrived this morning. This is my winter vacation homework.
12月 7, 2024
12月 7, 2024
12月 6, 2024
人は誰かと結ぶ関係の歴史を生きる。その関係にはそれを生み出す媒介項の存在がある。媒介項は関係した相手との関係が良好な場合はあまり振り替えられないが、破滅するとそのきっかけに思いを馳せる。その話を読みながらクライアントを媒介した人や組織や偶然を思い出す。加えて、なんで篠原一男に学び、日建に行き、配偶者が定まり、OFDAを作り、信州大学で教え、理科大に来たのかには全て媒介した人がいたことを改めて思い出す。People live the history of the relationships they form with others. In that relationship, there is a mediating term that creates it. The mediating term is not often changed when the relationship with the person involved is good, but when it falls apart, people think about the trigger. As I read the story, I remember the people, organizations, and coincidences that mediated the client. In addition, I am reminded once again that there was someone who helped me study with Kazuo Shinohara, go to Nikken, find a spouse, establish OFDA, teach at Shinshu University, and come to the University of Science.