10月 30, 2024

10月 29, 2024
展覧会を見に来た若い学徒の感想文をいただいた。それには展覧会の模型に現れた建築の特徴が理解できなかったと書いてある。空間を理解する手立てがないというのである。そこで分かるためには言葉が必要だと考え拙著『建築の設計力』を読んだ。建築は物と間と流れでできているという部分を読んで展覧会の分からなさが氷解したと書いてあった。空間を言葉の力で解読するのには限界があるがこういうこともある。I received comments from young students who came to see the exhibition. It was written that he could not understand the features of the architecture that appeared in the models at the exhibition. There is no way to understand space. He thought that he needed words to understand this, so he read my book ``The Ability of Architectural Design.'' It was written that when he read the part about architecture being made up of things, space, and flow, his confusion about the exhibition cleared up. There are limits to how space can be deciphered using the power of words, but things like this happen.
10月 29, 2024
二年生後期の課題で美術館をやることにした。自由に建築を作る楽しさを味わおうという狙い。それに応えてバラエティーに富んだ案が沢山現れた。We decided to do an art museum as a project for the second half of the second year. The aim is to let them experience the fun of creating architecture freely. In response, a wide variety of ideas emerged.

10月 29, 2024
金柑がだいぶ実をつけたThe kumquats have grown a lot of fruit.

10月 29, 2024
金柑がだいぶ実をつけたThe kumquats have grown a lot of fruit.

10月 29, 2024

10月 28, 2024

10月 27, 2024
日本工業大学主催の第38回建築設計競技の表彰式に行ってきました。歴代の錚々たる建築家審査委員の歴史の1ページに加えて頂き光栄でした。「肝っ玉母さんの家あるいは頑固親父の家」と言う課題は私の3人の先生の別の言い方です。高校生たちは大学生顔負けの建築力で審査委員を唸らしました。学長もいらして課題にお褒めの言葉を頂きました。関係者の皆様ありがとうございました。I went to the awards ceremony for the 38th Architectural Design Competition sponsored by the Nippon Institute of Technology. It was an honor to be included in a page in the history of the distinguished architect jury. The assignment ``Home of a warm-hearted mother or a stubborn father'' is another way of calling for my three teachers. The high school students impressed the judges with their architectural skills that rivaled the university students. The president also came and gave me words of praise for the assignment. Thank you to everyone involved.

10月 27, 2024

10月 27, 2024
カタルーニャ工科大学の現代日本建築研究所は、正式に設置が認められ、来年篠原一男展をやることも決まり、大学はスポンサー探しを始めた。と昨晩メールが来た。ついては、来夏の展覧会のために研究室の〈白の家〉〈地の家〉の模型持ってバルセロナに来て欲しい。レクチャー、シンポジウム、カタログ原稿頼んだぞとズームで言われた。そこでで目が覚めた。でもきっと今晩のzoomの内容はそんなことだろう。The Institute of Contemporary Japanese Architecture at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia has been officially approved for establishment, and it has been decided that a Shinohara Kazuo exhibition will be held next year, and the university has begun looking for sponsors. ", I received an email last night. In addition, I was told by zoom that they would like me to come to Barcelona with models of the laboratory's "House in white" and "Earth House" for the exhibition next summer and that I had been asked to give a lecture, a symposium, and write the catalogue manuscript. I woke up at that moment. But I'm sure that's what the Zoom will be about tonight.
10月 26, 2024
今日お会いした方はパートナーの中川君が長く相談に乗ってきたひとだか、新たな相談のきっかけはDAの近作Dear deerなどを見たのに加え私の著書を数冊読んだからだと言っていた。著書に建築的説得力があったのならとても嬉しい。、 The person we met today is someone whose partner, Nakagawa, has been consulting with for a long time, and he said that the reason for his new consultation was because he had seen DA's recent work Dear Deer, and had read several of my books. Ta. I would be very happy if the book had architectural persuasive power. ,
10月 26, 2024
行きは孟子、大学、中庸、坂口安吾の中庸を読み、帰りはモンテニューの中庸を読む。中庸の日。 On the way there, I read Mencius, University, Moderation, Ango Sakaguchi's Moderation, and on the way back I read Monteneux's Moderation.

10月 26, 2024
展覧会後の土日が出張続きで秋ばてが治らない。今日も新しいプロジェクト(になりそうな)のクライアントとお話しに河口湖へ。駅は9割外国の方たちで新宿なみの混雑。だから仕事が生まれるのだが。I had to go on a business trip on the Saturday and Sunday after the exhibition, so I couldn't get over the autumn fever. Today I went to Lake Kawaguchi again to talk with a client about a new project. The station is as crowded as Shinjuku, with 90% of the people coming from abroad. That's why jobs are created.

LA vs NY
10月 26, 2024

10月 25, 2024
構造補強でもある135角6mの独立柱が建った。これはだいぶ細く見えるだろう。A 135 square 6m independent column was erected to strengthen the structure. This will look quite thin.

10月 25, 2024
選択的夫婦別氏制度に消極的あるいは反対が 参政、自民、維新 改憲賛成は 自民、維新 教員費無償化に積極的 立憲、維新、共産、れいわ 他にも大事なことはあるが僕の中ではこの三つがかなり重要。だから自民と維新には投票しない。 There is some reluctance or opposition to the selective marital separation system. Sanseito Liberal Democratic Party, Japan Restoration Party. In favor of constitutional amendment Liberal Democratic Party, Japan Restoration Party. ctively promoting free teaching fees Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan Japan Restoration Party Japanese Communist Party Reiwa Shinsengumi. There are other important things, but these three are very important to me. That's why I won't vote for the LDP and Ishin.
10月 25, 2024

10月 24, 2024
3ヶ月で3刷は建築の本としては画期的。皆様ありがとうございます。『〈世界〉としての窓』もよろしくお願いします。The third printing in three months is groundbreaking for an architecture book. Thank you everyone. Please also read “Window as the World”.

10月 24, 2024
多木陽介さんの新刊を、編集した川尻さんからお送りいただいた。早速全部読んだ。前の家で使っていたフリスビーや今も使っているアルコのデザイナーであるアキーレ・カスティリオーニが主役である。彼のセンスがブリコラージュ的であるという分析が何だかとても頷ける。どうしてこんなに斬新だけど出張ってないのだろうか。かっこいいけど昔からあるように思えるのか。「物」に対する観察と愛情がこういうフォルムと機能を生み出したんだと言うことが多木さんの平易な言葉から自然に響いてくる。久々に読んでそうだなあと思える本だった。Mr. Kawajiri, who edited Yosuke Taki's new book, sent it to me. I read it all right away. The main character is Achille Castiglioni, the designer of the Frisbee I used in my previous home and the Arco I still use. The analysis that his sense is bricolage-like makes a lot of sense. Why isn't it too strong even though it's so innovative? It's cool, but does it seem like it's been around for a long time? Mr. Taki's simple words naturally suggest that his observation and love for "things" created this form and function. It was a book that made me feel convincing I had read it for the first time in a while.

10月 24, 2024
留学を勧める理由はいろいろあるけれど,根っこには世界は広いから「ここ」にずっといる必要はないという気持ちがある。だから自分としては三拠点居住をしたいと思っている。2年前に能舞台の大きさの小屋を作り年に70日くらい暮らしている。二拠点居住は始まった。来年3つめを具体化したい。可能なら海外に。There are many reasons why I recommend studying abroad, but at the heart of it is the feeling that the world is so big that there is no need to stay ``here'' forever. That's why I personally want to live in three locations. Two years ago, I built a hut the size of a Noh stage and lives there about 70 days a year. Dual base residence has begun. I want to make the third base a reality next year. Go abroad if possible.