
3月 27, 2025

坂牛 卓

先ほど同済大学の先生とズームをした。彼らの国際交流の仕方にはちょっと驚いた。ヴォリュームも質もかなり高い。9月にはモルフォシスが、12月にはスノヘッタが来て集中講義し、アメリカとドイツとワークショップするなどなど。彼らのレベルはどんどん上がっているなと思っていたら今年のプリッツカー賞はLiu Jiakunというニュースが舞い込んだ。当然だなあと思った。 I just had a conversation via Zoom with a professor from Tongji University. I was a little surprised at how they do international exchange. The volume and quality are quite high. Morphosis will come in September, and Snøhetta will come in December to give intensive lectures. This year they will have two workshops in the US and Germany, etc. I thought their level was getting better and better, and then I heard the news that this year's Pritzker Prize winner was Liu Jiakun. I thought that was only natural.