
2月 3, 2025

坂牛 卓

ルネサンスを社会史的に読む本と美術史的に読む本はそれぞれあるが、両方の流れを一度に睨み、されど簡潔に書かれた本はこれが初めてでとても面白かった。おすすめです。十字軍が契機となり、大航海時代がその落日を決定したということがよく分かりました。There are books that read the Renaissance in terms of social history and art history respectively but this is the first book that looks at both streams at once, yet in a concise manner, and I found it very interesting. I recommend it. I could clearly see that the Crusades were the catalyst and the Age of Exploration was the downfall.