2月 2, 2025
アナウンサーがハードワークで病むと話題だが、身近なところで編集者のハードワークもかなりのもの。いっしょに仕事している2人が体調を崩し、1人か連絡取れなくなり、1人が人事異動などで担当本が20冊増えたと泣いていた。彼らに比べたら僕など呑気に仕事してるなと思う。 It is a hot topic that an announcer is sick due to hard work, but the editor's hard work is also considerable. Two people who worked together with me have been sick, couldn't contact one person, and one of them was crying that the number of books he has to edit have increased by 20 due to personnel changes. I feel relieved that I don't work like them.