
1月 27, 2025

坂牛 卓

配偶者が理事を務める書家の集まりの会則では理事定年が80だそうだ。いつまでやるのと聞いたら80と言う。では僕も80まで書いて、作ると決めた。そのためにまず体力作りの合宿しないとな。プロのトレーナーに相談したい。 According to the rules of the association of calligraphers whose spouses serve as directors, the retirement age for directors is 80. When I asked her how long she is going to do it, she said 80. So I decided to write up to 80 and make it. To do that, I first have to go to a training camp to build up my physical strength. I would like to consult a professional trainer.