Tatsumi Panel

1月 26, 2025

坂牛 卓

卒論発表会における高橋治研のTastumi Panelという不燃断熱パネルの耐力分析に驚いた。パネルだけで(軸組なしで)6mスパンの断熱厚200の倉庫が不燃でできるという。このパネル耐震壁にも使えるとめちゃくちゃつかいであると思った。 I was surprised by Osamu Takahashi's proof stress analysis of a noncombustible insulation panel called Tastumi Panel at the graduation thesis presentation. It is said that a non-combustible warehouse with an insulation thickness of 200mm and a span of 6m can be built using just the panels (without frames). I thought this panel would be extremely useful if it could also be used for earthquake-resistant walls.