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1月 25, 2025

木村工業の新年会に招かれDAから中川君、甲津君、私の3人で伺う。木村工業は職人さんたち70人くらいと、設計事務所15人くらい、自分たちを含め100人くらいで毎年宴を催す。工務店の力は統率力といい職人をどれだけ抱えているかにかかっている。こんな飲み会にとても意味があるわけだ。Nakagawa-kun, Kotzu-kun, and I from DA were invited to Kimura Kogyo's New Year's party. Every year, Kimura Kogyo holds a banquet for about 100 people, including about 70 craftsmen, 15 from the design office, and themselves. The power of a construction company depends on its leadership and the number of good craftsmen it has. There's a reason why drinking parties like this have so much meaning.