1月 16, 2025
東工大スキー部の細井先輩と会食。今年スキー部は7大学戦で総合優勝という快挙を成し遂げたのである。7大とは神戸、大阪、京都、名古屋、東京、 一橋、東工である。ノルディック、アルペン種目の総合で競う。僕が主将の時は下位だった気がする。本当にすごい。細井先輩とただただすごいねて喜んで祝杯をあげた。Dinner with senior Hosoi from the Tokyo Tech ski club. This year, the ski club accomplished the remarkable feat of winning the overall championship in seven university competitions. The seven major universities are Kobe, Osaka, Kyoto, Nagoya, Tokyo, Hitotsubashi, and Tokyo Tech. Compete in Nordic and Alpine events. I think we were at the bottom when I was captain. It's really amazing. Hosoi-senpai and I were so happy and celebrated that it was just amazing.