12月 25, 2024

坂牛 卓

FujimiでNくんから頂いた軽自動車とご対面。ペーパードライバーなのでこの冬は運転しないつもり(そもそもキーを持ってきてない)。部屋の中は夏に水没した湿気がまだとれず、カビだらけで大掃除開始。夕方近所のHさんが来られて、「車買ったんですか」と聞くので「もらったんです」と言うとだいぶ前から置いてあるからバッテリーあがってませんか?あがっていたら言ってください。チャージしにきますよと親切なお言葉。嬉しいですね。 At Fujimi, I met the light car that N-kun gave me. Since I am a paper driver, I don't plan on driving it this winter (I didn't bring even the key with me ). The inside of the room was still full of mold and moisture from being submerged in water in the summer, so I started cleaning it up. In the evening, my neighbor Ms. H came over and asked me, ``Did you buy the car?'' I said, ``I got it,'' and it was there a while ago, so I wonders if the battery is dead? Please let me know if it's up. She kindly said, ``I'll come and charge it.'' I'm happy.