
12月 17, 2024

坂牛 卓

博士の指導を本格的に始めた頃、全員の取得スケジュールを作成した。何度も作り替えたがとにかく2025年3月までまでに終わるようにとやってきた。幸い3人取得した。今、最後の2人の審査が進んでいる。この最後の半年まで持ち越すのは僕が学生ならしないな。結構呑気だよな。 When I started teaching doctoral degrees earnestly, I created a schedule for everyone to obtain their degrees. Although it has been rebuilt many times, it was decided to be finished by March 2025. Fortunately, three people got it. The final two candidates are currently being judged. As a student, I wouldn't carry it over until the last six months. Some seems to be taking it easy.