12月 13, 2024
執筆中の『建築を見る技術』にエイドリアン・フォーティーの『メディアとしてのコンクリート』から1枚、『言葉と建築』から2枚写真をお借りしたく編集者がメールしたらすぐに無償でデーターくれるとの返事が来たそうだ。フォーティーは元気だろうか?だいぶ前に塔の家で会って学芸出版の井口夏実さんと六本木の安藤忠雄の建物の中にある六根におでん食べに行っのが懐かしい。When my editor emailed me that I wanted to borrow one photo from Adrian Forty's ``Concrete and culture'' and two from ``Words and Buildings'' for ``The Art of Viewing Architecture,'' which I am currently writing, he replied that he would immediately send me the data free of charge. I wonder how is Forty doing. I remember a long time ago when I met him with Natsumi Iguchi of Gakugei Publishing at Tou-no-ie and went to eat oden at Rokkon, located in Tadao Ando's building in Roppongi.