
11月 20, 2024

坂牛 卓

新建築の寺松さんが槇さんの最後のインタビューをまとめたと言っていた。本屋で見つけて読んでみた。東大には内田先生に「何もしないでいいから来てくれ」と頼まれ「長のつく仕事と学会とは関わらない」という約束で9年いたと言う。巻末に小林博人さんがプロフェッサーアーキテクトの難しさを槇さんから示唆されたと書いてあったが槇さん自身その両立に細心の注意を払っていたのだろう。Mr. Teramatsu of Shinkenchiku said that he had compiled Maki's last interview. I found it at a bookstore and read it. He said he stayed at the University of Tokyo for nine years after Professor Uchida asked him to come and do nothing, with the promise that he would not do work as chief something and not have anything to do with AIJ. At the end of the book, Mr. Hiroto Kobayashi wrote that Maki suggested the difficulties of being a professor architect, and Maki must have been paying close attention to achieving both.