10月 27, 2024
日本工業大学主催の第38回建築設計競技の表彰式に行ってきました。歴代の錚々たる建築家審査委員の歴史の1ページに加えて頂き光栄でした。「肝っ玉母さんの家あるいは頑固親父の家」と言う課題は私の3人の先生の別の言い方です。高校生たちは大学生顔負けの建築力で審査委員を唸らしました。学長もいらして課題にお褒めの言葉を頂きました。関係者の皆様ありがとうございました。I went to the awards ceremony for the 38th Architectural Design Competition sponsored by the Nippon Institute of Technology. It was an honor to be included in a page in the history of the distinguished architect jury. The assignment ``Home of a warm-hearted mother or a stubborn father'' is another way of calling for my three teachers. The high school students impressed the judges with their architectural skills that rivaled the university students. The president also came and gave me words of praise for the assignment. Thank you to everyone involved.