
10月 27, 2024

坂牛 卓

カタルーニャ工科大学の現代日本建築研究所は、正式に設置が認められ、来年篠原一男展をやることも決まり、大学はスポンサー探しを始めた。と昨晩メールが来た。ついては、来夏の展覧会のために研究室の〈白の家〉〈地の家〉の模型持ってバルセロナに来て欲しい。レクチャー、シンポジウム、カタログ原稿頼んだぞとズームで言われた。そこでで目が覚めた。でもきっと今晩のzoomの内容はそんなことだろう。The Institute of Contemporary Japanese Architecture at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia has been officially approved for establishment, and it has been decided that a Shinohara Kazuo exhibition will be held next year, and the university has begun looking for sponsors. ", I received an email last night. In addition, I was told by zoom that they would like me to come to Barcelona with models of the laboratory's "House in white" and "Earth House" for the exhibition next summer and that I had been asked to give a lecture, a symposium, and write the catalogue manuscript. I woke up at that moment. But I'm sure that's what the Zoom will be about tonight.