
1月 10, 2025

坂牛 卓

一昨日、夫婦はお互いが買い物して来ると期待して帰ったら家に何もない事態となった。今更買い物にも行きたくないとキッチンを探したらサッポロ一番が2袋見つかった。キャベツがあったので炒め、卵入れて食べたらとても美味かった。The day before yesterday, we were expecting each other to go shopping, but when they returned home, they found nothing at home. We didn't want to go shopping any time soon, so we looked around and found two bags of Sapporo Ichiban. We had some cabbage, so we stir-fried it and added an egg to it, and it was delicious.