12月 25, 2024
今年は春にマドリードに行ってワークショップをした。これが大学でやる最後のワークショップかもしれない。思えば学生と世界中あっちこっち行ったものだ。行かせてくれた理科大と呼んでくれた多くの大学に深く感謝している。 春に2冊、夏に1冊本を出した。辺見浩久との共訳書『みんなの都市』は日系チェコ人のオサム・オカムラが書いた子供向け都市の本である。とても好評である。友人の子ども買って読んでくれた。ありがとう😊。単編著の『建築スタディの方法』は50人の建築家のデザインを決めた一枚のドローイン、模型、写真などを掲載した本で爆発的に売れている。最後は平瀬有人との共著『世界としての窓』。二人の窓への思いを漫画、映画、演劇、そして建築、さらに都市へと敷衍して語った。これも予想を超えて大いに読んでいただけている。編集者共々大喜びである。 夏にジビエ加工所が富士吉田にオープンした。コロナ禍で仕事があいつでストップしているが、これだけはなんとか竣工に漕ぎ着けた。地味な建物だが美しい。建築を続けられていることにほっとしている。とにかく少しでもいいから作り続けていないと私たちのレゾンデートルはなくなってしまう。 秋に初めての個展を開いた。今あるものを並べてどれだけのことができるかやってみた。学生たちに大いに助けてもらい、アユミギャラリーという、神楽坂の有形文化財の建物で、一週間やった。500人を超える来訪者に感無量。また70になったらやりたい。 秋から最後の博士の学生二人の審査を始めた。常勤教授のうちに審査を終えたいのだが果たしてどうなることか。 本日からFujimiに行って二つの本の原稿に向かう。1つは来年の3月15日に晶文社から刊行予定の『建築をみる技術』。もう一つは夏に加藤耕一さんとの共著で中公新書として出す予定の『世界建築史』双方夏の富士見で書いて寝かしてあるもの。この冬で完成させたい。 他にもいろいろあった。 晩夏マドリードからマルタを迎え三ヶ月共同研究。名古屋で東海建築住宅賞の二段階審査。北区区庁舎のコンペ審査員をして小堀さんを選定。ホームページをライゾマデザインでリニューアル。事務所名をOFDAからDAへ。来年の篠原一男生誕100年に向けての準備進む。新建築100周年号のセレクションを終える。などなど。 今年もいろんな人に出会い、いろいろなことに挑戦し、失敗し、広く深く助けていただいた。そんな皆様へ感謝の気持ちでいっぱいである❤️。本当にありがとう。来年もよろしくお願いします。 This spring I went to Madrid to do a workshop. This may be the last workshop I will do at the university. When I think about it, I have traveled all over the world with my students. I am deeply grateful to the University of Science for letting me go there and to the many universities around the world that have invited us. I published two books in the spring and one in the summer. My book "Everyone's City," which I co-translated with Henmi Hirohisa, is a children's book about cities written by Osamu Okamura, a Czech of Japanese descent. It has been very well received. My friend's child bought it and read it. Thank you 😊. My sole author, "How to Study Architecture," is a book that features drawings, models, photos, etc. that determined the designs of 50 architects, and has been selling explosively. The last book was "Window as the World," co-authored with Hirase Yujin. We expanded our thoughts on windows to manga, movies, theater, architecture, and even cities. This book has also been read by many people, beyond our expectations. Both the editors and I are very happy. In the summer, a gibier meat processing plant opened in Fujiyoshida. Work has been halted due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but we managed to complete this one. It's a modest building, but it's beautiful. I'm relieved that we can continue architecture. If we don't keep creating, even if it's just a little, our raison d'être will disappear. In the fall, I held my first solo exhibition. I tried to see how much I could do by arranging what I have now. With a lot of help from my students, it was held for a week at Ayumi Gallery, a building in Kagurazaka that is a tangible cultural property. I was deeply moved by the over 500 visitors. I want to do it again when I'm 70. In the fall, I started judging the last two doctoral students. I want to finish the judging while I'm still a full-time professor, but I wonder what will happen. Starting today, I'm going to Fujimi to work on the manuscripts of two books. One is "The Art of Looking at Architecture," which will be published by Shobunsha on March 15th next year. The other is "World Architectural History," which I co-authored with Kato Koichi and will be published as a Chuokoron Shinsho in the summer. Both were written at Fujimi in the summer and left to sit. I want to complete them this winter. There were many other things that happened too. In late summer, I welcomed Marta from Madrid and we conducted joint research for three months. I participated in the two-stage judging for the Tokai Architecture Housing Award in Nagoya. I was a judge for the competition for the Kita Ward Office Building and Kobori-san was selected. Our website was renewed with Rhizomatiks Design. We changed our office name from OFDA to DA. We are moving forward with preparations for the 100th anniversary of Shinohara Kazuo's birth next year. We have completed the selection for the Shinkenchiku 100th Anniversary issue. Nada, etc. This year again, I met many different people, tried many different things, failed, and received help in a wide range of ways. I am filled with gratitude to all of you ❤️. Thank you so much. I look forward to working with you again next year.