
12月 8, 2024

坂牛 卓

今日の卒計、修士設計に対する、先輩のレビューを聞きながら思った。皆建築を作る理由の説明に終始している。それは大半が外在的問題だ。建築はある時から社会の産物になった。でも建築を作る正しさは内在的問題に起因してなくていいのか。時代を画す建築は一枚の平面図に表れているものなのだ。図面で伝わる濃密な建築に仕上げてほしいと思う。I thought about this while listening to my senior's review of today's graduation plan and master's design. They all end up explaining the reasons for building architecture. It's mostly an external problem. From a certain point on, architecture became a product of society. But does the correctness of creating architecture not have to be rooted in internal problems? Architecture that defines an era is expressed in a single floor plan. I would like to see the finished building create a rich architecture that is conveyed through the drawings.