
12月 3, 2024

坂牛 卓

思想とは生き方であり言葉は残り滓、生き様の裏付けがない言葉は空虚だとニーチェは言う。その残り滓を甘い知性のオブラートにくるんで書かれた本がなんと多いことかと著者は嘆く。僕の言葉は生き方になっているのか。実のない空虚と堕していないのかよくよく考えないと。 Nietzsche says that thought is a way of life, words are dregs, and words without the support of a way of life are empty. The author laments how many books have been written that wrap up the residue in the form of naive intellectual oblates. Have my words become a way of life? I have to think carefully about whether I am feeling fruitless, empty, and fallen.