10月 25, 2024
選択的夫婦別氏制度に消極的あるいは反対が 参政、自民、維新 改憲賛成は 自民、維新 教員費無償化に積極的 立憲、維新、共産、れいわ 他にも大事なことはあるが僕の中ではこの三つがかなり重要。だから自民と維新には投票しない。 There is some reluctance or opposition to the selective marital separation system. Sanseito Liberal Democratic Party, Japan Restoration Party. In favor of constitutional amendment Liberal Democratic Party, Japan Restoration Party. ctively promoting free teaching fees Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan Japan Restoration Party Japanese Communist Party Reiwa Shinsengumi. There are other important things, but these three are very important to me. That's why I won't vote for the LDP and Ishin.